AwesomeTTS for Anki

Easily add text-to-speech to your Anki cards

Playback and Recording w/ Groups of Service Presets

Once you have at least two , you can put them into a group. Service groups can be used in two modes:

Groups can be used with all generation dialogs in AwesomeTTS, the on-the-fly mode (<tts group="...">...</tts>), as well as the context menu while reviewing.


  1. From the Advanced tab of the AwesomeTTS configuration window, find the “Service Presets and Groups” section and click “Manage Groups”.
  2. Click the green plus button add the top of the dialog to add a new group.
  3. Name your group.
  4. Select either randomized or in-order for your new group.
  5. For each service preset you want to add:
    1. Click the green plus button on the right side of the dialog.
    2. Select the preset from the newly-displayed dropdown.
  6. Save your group by clicking “OK”.
  7. Use your group by either…
