AwesomeTTS for Anki

Easily add text-to-speech to your Anki cards

Managing Service Presets and Speaking Selected Text

If you only want to occasionally play certain text back, you may want to setup AwesomeTTS with some of your favorite services and voices, and then do playback on-demand via a context menu.

This and the are best for users who only need TTS playback while using the desktop version of Anki with AwesomeTTS installed. Users who use Anki on mobile devices (e.g. with AnkiDroid) or on AnkiWeb may want to instead store [sound] tags via the note editor or card browser methods.


  1. From the Advanced tab of the AwesomeTTS configuration window, find the “Service Presets and Groups” section and click “Manage Presets”.
  2. Select the service you want to use and configure any options.
  3. Type a sample phrase and then click “Preview” to confirm that your audio is as you would like it to sound.
  4. Click “Save”.
  5. Enter a name or accept the default name based on the service and voice names, and click “Okay”.
  6. Exit the management window and configuration window.
  7. Navigate in Anki to the review mode.
  8. Select some text.
  9. Side-click the text to reveal the context menu.
  10. Click “AwesomeTTS”.
  11. Click the playback preset to hear the audio.



Mouse hovers the Manage Presets button in Configuration
“Manage” button for Presets
Mouse hovers “Record” button
Manage Service Presets dialog
Note seen with a new [sound] tag in one of the input fields
Naming the service preset
Note seen with a new [sound] tag in one of the input fields
Context menu during review