AwesomeTTS for Anki

Easily add text-to-speech to your Anki cards

Removing Audio via the Card Browser

AwesomeTTS can also be used to remove [sound] tags and audio paths from notes you select in the browser.


  1. From the card browser, highlight the cards whose notes have audio that you would like to remove.
  2. From the “AwesomeTTS” menu, select “Remove Audio from Selected”.
  3. Check the fields that you want AwesomeTTS to scan for the audio.
  4. Indicate what kind of audio you want to remove.
    • only [sound] tags or paths generated by AwesomeTTS will only remove audio that you created using the AwesomeTTS add-on
    • only [sound] tags not generated by AwesomeTTS will only remove audio that you either created manually or with the help of another add-on
    • all [sound] tags, regardless of origin, and paths generated by AwesomeTTS will remove any audio that AwesomeTTS recognizes
  5. Click “Remove Now” to begin processing.



Example note with [sound] tags in two fields
Example note beforehand
User selects multiple cards from the card browser
Selecting target cards in the card browser
Mouse hovers “Remove Audio from Selected” option
Card browser “Remove Audio from Selected” menu item
Mouse hovers “Remove Now” button
Mass removal dialog
Confirmation dialog announcing successful processing
Confirmation dialog
Example note with [sound] tags removed in all fields
Example note afterward
Mouse hovers the “Check Media” menu item
“Check Media” in “Tools” (optional)
Anki dialog showing disused media files
Removal of disused media files (optional)